
Monthly Archives: August 2021

It’s yeeeears since I’ve posted here! School have taken all my energy, but lately, I’ve had a “creative awakening”. I got myself an iPad (the cheapest one, I’m not very fancy), and an Apple Pencil (expensive shit!), downloaded a decent drawing program, and started experimenting and learning myself the different tools. What you’ll se here is my latest digital drawings.

I obviously hope you like them, but to be honest, I create these “for myself”. I create what I find beautiful, with colors I personally prefer. As an artist, inspiration often disappear when you care too much about creating something that will sell, or something that will create a lot of “likes”. My new motto is to be “egoistic” and create what I personally like, that I would hang on my wall, but at the same time, I would love to share with you guys!

I hope to keep creating and sharing, and not only do school work. As we all know, all work and no play creates insane people running around with axes, so, let’s avoid that?

Peace and Love from Charlotte

The vampiress